JAE Vol. 65 Issue 2
journal of architectural education

The Journal of Architectural Education is a biannual peer-reviewed academic journal published by Routledge on behalf of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture. The JAE has been the primary venue for research and commentary on architectural education since it was founded in 1947, making it the oldest continuing operating journal of its kind.www.jaeonline.org
As increasing numbers of architecture schools introduce new degree programs based on postgraduate research, often engaging other disciplines, emerging technologies, materials and environmental concerns, this new species of architectural education demands an approach distinct from those that
dominate professional programs. Our contribution, Velikov, K., Thün, G., & Ripley, C. (2012). Thick Air. Journal of Architectural Education (JAE), Special Issue: Beginning Design, 65 (2), 69-97 presents The Stratus Project—an ongoing body of design research investigating kinetic environment-responsive interior envelope systems, as a means of identifying a potential range of issues, models of inquiry and disciplinary influences for postgraduate research.
Thick Air received the 2013 Best Design as Scholarship Article Award from
the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture Faculty Awards Program.