Young Architects 10 : Resonance
foreword by jesse reiser | introduction by anne rieselbach

Resonance is the tenth in an annual series of publications that features the best young practicing architects as selected by the Architectural League of New York in their annual Young Architects competition. Young architects practicing today are working with diversified tools as a result of technological advances in building methodologies, expanded communication networks, and cross-fertilization from other disciplines and industries. Competition entrants were asked to consider whether this increased the potential for architectural ideas to resonate with issues and concerns outside of their discipline. The competition winners--Gage/Clemenceau Architects, PellOverton Architecture R D, Easton Combs, Xu Tiantian, Project Open, and RVTR--each incorporated variations of the "resonance" to frame their portfolios and demonstrate the necessity for architecture to look outside its disciplinary boundaries for solutions to the global challenges facing the world today.
Publication Date
Available for Purchase on Princeton Architectural Press.