Structures Vol 18
Advanced Manufacturing and Materials for Innovative Structural Design

Structures aims to publish internationally-leading research across the full breadth of structural engineering. Papers for Structures are particularly welcome in which high-quality research will benefit from wide readership of academics and practitioners.
Volume 18 "Advanced Manufacturing and Materials for Innovative Structural Design" Edited by John Orr, Arno Pronk, Tim Ibell focused on new processes and material applications for innovative structures.
Our co-authored contribution, Tish, D., McGee, W., Schork, T., Thün, G., & Velikov, K. (2019). Case Studies in Topological Design and Optimization of Additively Manufactured Cable-Nets Structures. Structures, Vol 18, 83-90. discusses research in novel approaches to the topological design and optimization of cable-nets enabled by the additive manufacturing of elastomeric materials. Through three realized case studies, including the Infundibuliforms project.